home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* MainWindowStuff.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "MainWindowStuff.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "Files.h"
- #include "WindowDispatcher.h"
- #include "Array.h"
- #include "CodeCenter.h"
- #include "TextEdit.h"
- #include "SampleList.h"
- #include "FunctionList.h"
- #include "AlgoSampList.h"
- #include "WaveTableList.h"
- #include "AlgoWaveTableList.h"
- #include "InstrList.h"
- #include "TrackList.h"
- #include "Alert.h"
- #include "StartupOpen.h"
- #include "CalculatorWindow.h"
- #include "GrowIcon.h"
- #include "Main.h"
- #include "DisassemblyWindow.h"
- #include "PcodeSystem.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "NumberDialog.h"
- #include "Numbers.h"
- #include "GlobalWindowMenuList.h"
- #include "BinaryCodedDecimal.h"
- #include "PlayPrefsDialog.h"
- #include "ImportWAVSample.h"
- #include "ImportRAWSample.h"
- #include "ImportAIFFSample.h"
- #include "BufferedFileInput.h"
- #include "BufferedFileOutput.h"
- #define MINTABCOUNT (1)
- #define MAXTABCOUNT (255)
- #define DEFAULTTABSIZE (2)
- #define MAINWINSIZEX (450)
- #define MAINWINSIZEY (250)
- /* top-left corner */
- #define TRACKX(W,H) (-1)
- #define TRACKY(W,H) (-1)
- #define TRACKWIDTH(W,H) ((W) / 3)
- #define TRACKHEIGHT(W,H) ((H) / 3)
- /* top-middle */
- #define WAVETABLEWIDTH(W,H) (((W) - WAVETABLEX(W,H)) / 2)
- /* top-right corner */
- #define SAMPLEWIDTH(W,H) ((W) - SAMPLEX(W,H) + 1)
- /* middle-left */
- /* middle-middle */
- /* middle-right */
- /* bottom-left corner */
- #define FUNCTIONHEIGHT(W,H) ((H) - FUNCTIONY(W,H) + 1)
- /* bottom-middle and bottom-right corner */
- #define COMMENTY(W,H) (FUNCTIONY(W,H) + 1)
- #define COMMENTWIDTH(W,H) ((W) - COMMENTX(W,H) + 1)
- /* this structure contains all the information for a document */
- struct MainWindowRec
- {
- WinType* ScreenID;
- MyBoolean EverBeenSaved;
- FileSpec* TheFileLocation; /* only valid if EverBeenSaved is true */
- FileType* TheFile; /* only valid if EverBeenSaved is true */
- GenericWindowRec* MyGenericWindow; /* how the window event dispatcher knows us */
- MenuItemType* MyMenuItem;
- FileSpec* DeleteUndoFileLocation; /* NIL = none */
- FileType* DeleteUndoFile; /* NIL = none */
- ArrayRec* ListOfCalcWindows;
- ArrayRec* ListOfDisassemblies;
- CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter; /* keeps all the object code */
- /* generic control parameters */
- long TabSize;
- TextEditRec* CommentInfo;
- /* score data */
- SampleListRec* SampleList;
- FunctionListRec* FunctionList;
- AlgoSampListRec* AlgoSampList;
- WaveTableListRec* WaveTableList;
- AlgoWaveTableListRec* AlgoWaveTableList;
- InstrListRec* InstrumentList;
- TrackListRec* TrackList;
- MyBoolean StuffModified;
- /* playback preferences */
- MyBoolean StereoPlayback;
- MyBoolean SurroundEncoding;
- long SamplingRate;
- long EnvelopeUpdateRate;
- LargeBCDType DefaultBeatsPerMinute;
- LargeBCDType OverallVolumeScalingFactor;
- OutputNumBitsType OutputNumBits;
- MyBoolean InterpolateOverTime;
- MyBoolean InterpolateAcrossWaves;
- LargeBCDType ScanningGap;
- LargeBCDType BufferDuration;
- MyBoolean ClipWarning;
- char* SongPostProcessing;
- MyBoolean SongPostProcessingEnable;
- };
- static ArrayRec* ListOfDocuments = NIL;
- /* initialize internal data structures for documents */
- MyBoolean InitializeDocuments(void)
- {
- APRINT(("+InitializeDocuments"));
- ListOfDocuments = NewArray();
- if (ListOfDocuments == NIL)
- {
- APRINT(("-InitializeDocuments failed"));
- return False;
- }
- APRINT(("-InitializeDocuments"));
- return True;
- }
- /* clean up any internal data structures used for documents */
- void ShutdownDocuments(void)
- {
- APRINT(("+ShutdownDocuments"));
- ERROR(ArrayGetLength(ListOfDocuments) != 0,PRERR(AllowResume,
- "ShutdownDocuments: Not all documents disposed of"));
- DisposeArray(ListOfDocuments);
- APRINT(("-ShutdownDocuments"));
- }
- /* open a new document window and load the document in. the function takes */
- /* ownership of the file specification. */
- void OpenDocument(FileSpec* TheFile)
- {
- MainWindowRec* Window;
- /* allocation */
- Window = (MainWindowRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(MainWindowRec),"MainWindowRec");
- if (Window == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to open the document.",NIL);
- if (TheFile != NIL)
- {
- DisposeFileSpec(TheFile);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(ListOfDocuments,Window))
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Window);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- /* constructing members */
- Window->TabSize = DEFAULTTABSIZE;
- Window->CodeCenter = NewCodeCenter();
- if (Window->CodeCenter == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- ArrayDeleteElement(ListOfDocuments,ArrayFindElement(ListOfDocuments,Window));
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- Window->ScreenID = MakeNewWindow(eDocumentWindow,eWindowClosable,
- eWindowZoomable,eWindowResizable,4 + WindowOtherEdgeWidths(eDocumentWindow),
- 4 + WindowTitleBarHeight(eDocumentWindow),MAINWINSIZEX,MAINWINSIZEY,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowUpdator,Window);
- if (Window->ScreenID == 0)
- {
- FailurePoint4:
- DisposeCodeCenter(Window->CodeCenter);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- Window->CommentInfo = NewTextEdit(Window->ScreenID,
- eTEHScrollBar | eTEVScrollBar,GetScreenFont(),9,
- if (Window->CommentInfo == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint5:
- KillWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- goto FailurePoint4;
- }
- Window->SampleList = NewSampleList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->SampleList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint6:
- DisposeTextEdit(Window->CommentInfo);
- goto FailurePoint5;
- }
- Window->FunctionList = NewFunctionList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->FunctionList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint7:
- DisposeSampleList(Window->SampleList);
- goto FailurePoint6;
- }
- Window->AlgoSampList = NewAlgoSampList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->AlgoSampList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint8:
- DisposeFunctionList(Window->FunctionList);
- goto FailurePoint7;
- }
- Window->WaveTableList = NewWaveTableList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->WaveTableList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint9:
- DisposeAlgoSampList(Window->AlgoSampList);
- goto FailurePoint8;
- }
- Window->AlgoWaveTableList = NewAlgoWaveTableList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->AlgoWaveTableList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint10:
- DisposeWaveTableList(Window->WaveTableList);
- goto FailurePoint9;
- }
- Window->InstrumentList = NewInstrList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->InstrumentList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint11:
- DisposeAlgoWaveTableList(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- goto FailurePoint10;
- }
- Window->TrackList = NewTrackList(Window,Window->CodeCenter,
- if (Window->TrackList == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint12:
- DisposeInstrList(Window->InstrumentList);
- goto FailurePoint11;
- }
- Window->ListOfCalcWindows = NewArray();
- if (Window->ListOfCalcWindows == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint13:
- DisposeTrackList(Window->TrackList);
- goto FailurePoint12;
- }
- Window->ListOfDisassemblies = NewArray();
- if (Window->ListOfDisassemblies == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint14:
- DisposeArray(Window->ListOfCalcWindows);
- goto FailurePoint13;
- }
- Window->MyGenericWindow = CheckInNewWindow(Window->ScreenID,Window,
- (void (*)(void*,MyBoolean,OrdType,OrdType,ModifierFlags))&MainWindowDoIdle,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowBecomeActive,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowBecomeInactive,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowJustResized,
- (void (*)(OrdType,OrdType,ModifierFlags,void*))&MainWindowDoMouseDown,
- (void (*)(unsigned char,ModifierFlags,void*))&MainWindowDoKeyDown,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowClose,
- (void (*)(void*))&MainWindowMenuSetup,
- (void (*)(void*,MenuItemType*))&MainWindowDoMenuCommand);
- if (Window->MyGenericWindow == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint15:
- DisposeArray(Window->ListOfDisassemblies);
- goto FailurePoint14;
- }
- Window->MyMenuItem = MakeNewMenuItem(mmWindowMenu,"x",0);
- if (Window->MyMenuItem == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint16:
- CheckOutDyingWindow(Window->MyGenericWindow);
- goto FailurePoint15;
- }
- if (!RegisterWindowMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem,(void (*)(void*))&ActivateThisWindow,
- Window->ScreenID))
- {
- FailurePoint17:
- KillMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- goto FailurePoint16;
- }
- Window->SongPostProcessing = StringToBlockCopy("#song postprocessing\x0a");
- if (Window->SongPostProcessing == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint18:
- DeregisterWindowMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- goto FailurePoint17;
- }
- SetTag(Window->SongPostProcessing,"SongPostProcessing");
- Window->StereoPlayback = True;
- Window->SurroundEncoding = False;
- Window->SamplingRate = 44100;
- Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate = 441;
- Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute = Double2LargeBCD(120);
- Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor = Double2LargeBCD(1);
- Window->OutputNumBits = eOutput16Bits;
- Window->InterpolateOverTime = True;
- Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves = True;
- Window->StuffModified = False;
- Window->ScanningGap = Double2LargeBCD(2);
- Window->BufferDuration = Double2LargeBCD(8);
- Window->ClipWarning = True;
- Window->SongPostProcessingEnable = False;
- Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation = NIL;
- Window->DeleteUndoFile = NIL;
- /* reading the data or making an empty instrument */
- if (TheFile == NIL)
- {
- /* create a new empty one */
- Window->EverBeenSaved = False;
- }
- else
- {
- FileType* FileDesc;
- /* read a file in and update the file refnum and location variables */
- if (OpenFile(TheFile,&FileDesc,eReadAndWrite))
- {
- BufferedInputRec* InputFileThang;
- InputFileThang = NewBufferedInput(FileDesc);
- if (InputFileThang == NIL)
- {
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to read the file.",NIL);
- ReleasePtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- goto FailurePoint18;
- }
- else
- {
- FileLoadingErrors Error;
- SetWatchCursor();
- Error = MainWindowReadData(Window,InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = SampleListReadData(Window->SampleList,InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = FunctionListReadData(Window->FunctionList,
- InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = AlgoSampListReadData(Window->AlgoSampList,
- InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = WaveTableListReadData(Window->WaveTableList,
- InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = AlgoWaveTableListReadData(
- Window->AlgoWaveTableList,InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = InstrListReadData(Window->InstrumentList,
- InputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = TrackListReadData(Window->TrackList,
- InputFileThang);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- switch (Error)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"OpenDocument: bad error code"));
- break;
- case eFileLoadNoError:
- break;
- case eFileLoadBadFormat:
- AlertHalt("The file format is unrecognized.",NIL);
- break;
- case eFileLoadDiskError:
- AlertHalt("A disk error occurred and the file could not be "
- "completely loaded.",NIL);
- break;
- case eFileLoadOutOfMemory:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to completely "
- "load the file. Try closing windows or quitting other "
- "applications to make more memory available.",NIL);
- break;
- }
- }
- EndBufferedInput(InputFileThang);
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,NIL/*deselect all*/);
- }
- else
- {
- AlertHalt("Unable to open file for reading.",NIL);
- ReleasePtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- goto FailurePoint18;
- }
- Window->EverBeenSaved = True;
- Window->TheFileLocation = TheFile;
- Window->TheFile = FileDesc;
- }
- MainWindowDispatchNameChange(Window);
- }
- /* save the document into the current file. if it hasn't been saved, then call SaveAs */
- /* it returns False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean SaveDocument(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (!Window->EverBeenSaved)
- {
- return SaveDocumentAs(Window);
- }
- else
- {
- FileType* TempFile;
- FileSpec* TempFileLocation;
- BufferedOutputRec* OutputFileThang;
- FileLoadingErrors Error;
- /* create new file and write the data out here */
- /* create a temporary file in the same directory */
- TempFileLocation = NewTempFileInTheSameDirectory(Window->TheFileLocation);
- if (TempFileLocation == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("Unable to write out the data.",NIL);
- return False;
- }
- /* open the file */
- if (!OpenFile(TempFileLocation,&TempFile,eReadAndWrite))
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeFileSpec(TempFileLocation);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- /* write all the data out */
- OutputFileThang = NewBufferedOutput(TempFile);
- if (OutputFileThang == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- CloseFile(TempFile);
- DeleteFile(TempFileLocation);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- SetWatchCursor();
- Error = MainWindowWriteData(Window,OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = SampleListWriteData(Window->SampleList,OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = FunctionListWriteData(Window->FunctionList,OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = AlgoSampListWriteData(Window->AlgoSampList,OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = WaveTableListWriteData(Window->WaveTableList,
- OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = AlgoWaveTableListWriteData(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,
- OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = InstrListWriteData(Window->InstrumentList,
- OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- Error = TrackListWriteData(Window->TrackList,
- OutputFileThang);
- if (Error == eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- if (EndBufferedOutput(OutputFileThang))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- else
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- switch (Error)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"OpenDocument: bad error code"));
- break;
- case eFileLoadNoError:
- break;
- case eFileLoadDiskError:
- AlertHalt("A disk error occurred and the file could not be saved.",NIL);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- case eFileLoadOutOfMemory:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to save the file. "
- "Try closing windows or quitting other applications to make more "
- "memory available.",NIL);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- FlushLocalBuffers(TempFile);
- /* swap the files on the disk */
- if (!SwapFileDataForks(TempFileLocation,Window->TheFileLocation,TempFile,
- &(Window->TheFile)))
- {
- /* if this fails, then the parameters are unaltered */
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- /* at this point, Window->TheFile has been fixed up, TempFile is closed, */
- /* and we need to dispose TempFileLocation */
- DisposeFileSpec(TempFileLocation);
- /* mark the data to indicate that it has been saved. */
- FunctionListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->FunctionList);
- SampleListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->SampleList);
- AlgoSampListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->AlgoSampList);
- WaveTableListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->WaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- InstrListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->InstrumentList);
- TrackListMarkAllObjectsSaved(Window->TrackList);
- TextEditHasBeenSaved(Window->CommentInfo);
- Window->StuffModified = False;
- /* return true since it saved correctly */
- return True;
- }
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"SaveDocument: control reached end of function"));
- }
- /* close all open documents, subject to the user's ok */
- void DoCloseAllQuitPending(void)
- {
- while (ArrayGetLength(ListOfDocuments) > 0)
- {
- MainWindowRec* Window;
- Window = (MainWindowRec*)ArrayGetElement(ListOfDocuments,0);
- ActivateThisWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- if (!CloseDocument(Window))
- {
- /* user cancelled */
- AbortQuitInProgress();
- return;
- }
- /* else keep going */
- }
- }
- /* close a document. If the user cancelled, then return False, otherwise True */
- MyBoolean CloseDocument(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (HasDocumentBeenModified(Window))
- {
- /* hafta ask permission */
- YesNoCancelType WhatToDo;
- char* Filename;
- char* XFilename;
- XFilename = GetCopyOfDocumentName(Window);
- if (XFilename == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory to close the document.",NIL);
- return False;
- }
- Filename = BlockToStringCopy(XFilename);
- ReleasePtr(XFilename);
- if (Filename == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- WhatToDo = AskYesNoCancel("Save changes to document '_'?",
- Filename,"Save","Don't Save","Cancel");
- ReleasePtr(Filename);
- if (WhatToDo == eYes)
- {
- if (!SaveDocument(Window))
- {
- /* save was cancelled or failed */
- return False;
- }
- }
- else if (WhatToDo == eCancel)
- {
- return False; /* user cancelled */
- }
- /* fall through to deletion point */
- }
- if (Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation != NIL)
- {
- CloseFile(Window->DeleteUndoFile);
- DeleteFile(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- }
- /* perform the data deletion here */
- DisposeFunctionList(Window->FunctionList);
- DisposeSampleList(Window->SampleList);
- DisposeAlgoSampList(Window->AlgoSampList);
- DisposeWaveTableList(Window->WaveTableList);
- DisposeAlgoWaveTableList(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- DisposeInstrList(Window->InstrumentList);
- DisposeTrackList(Window->TrackList);
- DisposeTextEdit(Window->CommentInfo);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < ArrayGetLength(Window->ListOfCalcWindows); Scan += 1)
- {
- DisposeCalculatorWindow((CalcWindowRec*)ArrayGetElement(
- Window->ListOfCalcWindows,Scan));
- }
- DisposeArray(Window->ListOfCalcWindows);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < ArrayGetLength(Window->ListOfDisassemblies); Scan += 1)
- {
- DisposeDisassemblyWindow((DisaWindowRec*)ArrayGetElement(
- Window->ListOfDisassemblies,Scan));
- }
- DisposeArray(Window->ListOfDisassemblies);
- /* delete object code */
- DisposeCodeCenter(Window->CodeCenter);
- ReleasePtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- DeregisterWindowMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- KillMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- CheckOutDyingWindow(Window->MyGenericWindow);
- KillWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- if (Window->EverBeenSaved)
- {
- CloseFile(Window->TheFile);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->TheFileLocation);
- }
- ERROR(ArrayFindElement(ListOfDocuments,Window) < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "CloseDocument: couldn't find document in the list"));
- ArrayDeleteElement(ListOfDocuments,ArrayFindElement(ListOfDocuments,Window));
- ReleasePtr((char*)Window);
- return True;
- }
- /* save the document into a new file (don't disturb the current one). returns False */
- /* if it fails. this function calls SaveDocument() to do the work. */
- MyBoolean SaveDocumentAs(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- FileSpec* NewWhere;
- char* FilenameNull;
- char* StringTempFileNameThing;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- StringTempFileNameThing = GetCopyOfDocumentName(Window);
- if (StringTempFileNameThing == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory to save the document.",NIL);
- return False;
- }
- FilenameNull = BlockToStringCopy(StringTempFileNameThing);
- ReleasePtr(StringTempFileNameThing);
- if (FilenameNull == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- /* where do they want to save it */
- NewWhere = PutFile(FilenameNull);
- ReleasePtr(FilenameNull);
- if (NewWhere != NIL)
- {
- FileType* NewFile;
- char* XFilename;
- MyBoolean SaveWasSuccessful;
- XFilename = ExtractFileName(NewWhere);
- if (XFilename == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- FilenameNull = BlockToStringCopy(XFilename);
- ReleasePtr(XFilename);
- if (FilenameNull == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- if (!CreateFile(NewWhere,ApplicationCreator,ApplicationFileType))
- {
- AlertHalt("Couldn't create the file '_'.",FilenameNull);
- ReleasePtr(FilenameNull);
- return False;
- }
- if (!OpenFile(NewWhere,&NewFile,eReadAndWrite))
- {
- AlertHalt("Couldn't open the file '_'.",FilenameNull);
- ReleasePtr(FilenameNull);
- return False;
- }
- if (Window->EverBeenSaved)
- {
- CloseFile(Window->TheFile);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->TheFileLocation);
- Window->EverBeenSaved = False;
- }
- Window->EverBeenSaved = True;
- Window->TheFileLocation = NewWhere;
- Window->TheFile = NewFile;
- ReleasePtr(FilenameNull);
- SaveWasSuccessful = SaveDocument(Window);
- if (!SaveWasSuccessful)
- {
- /* if save wasn't successful, then get rid of the file stuff */
- CloseFile(Window->TheFile);
- DeleteFile(Window->TheFileLocation);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->TheFileLocation);
- Window->EverBeenSaved = False;
- }
- MainWindowDispatchNameChange(Window);
- return SaveWasSuccessful;
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"SaveDocumentAs: control reached end of function"));
- }
- /* return True if the document has been modified & should be saved. */
- MyBoolean HasDocumentBeenModified(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->StuffModified
- || TextEditDoesItNeedToBeSaved(Window->CommentInfo)
- || DoesFunctionListNeedToBeSaved(Window->FunctionList)
- || DoesSampleListNeedToBeSaved(Window->SampleList)
- || DoesAlgoSampListNeedToBeSaved(Window->AlgoSampList)
- || DoesWaveTableListNeedToBeSaved(Window->WaveTableList)
- || DoesAlgoWaveTableListNeedToBeSaved(Window->AlgoWaveTableList)
- || DoesInstrListNeedToBeSaved(Window->InstrumentList)
- || DoesTrackListNeedToBeSaved(Window->TrackList);
- }
- void MainWindowDoIdle(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean CheckCursorFlag, OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- TextEditUpdateCursor(Window->CommentInfo);
- if (CheckCursorFlag)
- {
- if (TextEditIBeamTest(Window->CommentInfo,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- SetIBeamCursor();
- }
- else
- {
- SetArrowCursor();
- }
- }
- }
- void MainWindowBecomeActive(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- EnableTextEditSelection(Window->CommentInfo);
- FunctionListBecomeActive(Window->FunctionList);
- SampleListBecomeActive(Window->SampleList);
- AlgoSampListBecomeActive(Window->AlgoSampList);
- WaveTableListBecomeActive(Window->WaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableListBecomeActive(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- InstrListBecomeActive(Window->InstrumentList);
- TrackListBecomeActive(Window->TrackList);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize-15,YSize-15,GetGrowIcon(True/*enablegrowicon*/));
- }
- void MainWindowBecomeInactive(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- DisableTextEditSelection(Window->CommentInfo);
- FunctionListBecomeInactive(Window->FunctionList);
- SampleListBecomeInactive(Window->SampleList);
- AlgoSampListBecomeInactive(Window->AlgoSampList);
- WaveTableListBecomeInactive(Window->WaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableListBecomeInactive(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- InstrListBecomeInactive(Window->InstrumentList);
- TrackListBecomeInactive(Window->TrackList);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize-15,YSize-15,GetGrowIcon(False/*disablegrowicon*/));
- }
- void MainWindowJustResized(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,0,0,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBoxErase(Window->ScreenID,0,0,XSize,YSize);
- SetTextEditPosition(Window->CommentInfo,
- SetFunctionListLocation(Window->FunctionList,
- SetSampleListLocation(Window->SampleList,
- SAMPLEX(XSize,YSize),SAMPLEY(XSize,YSize),
- SetAlgoSampListLocation(Window->AlgoSampList,
- SetWaveTableListLocation(Window->WaveTableList,
- SetAlgoWaveTableListLocation(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,
- SetInstrListLocation(Window->InstrumentList,INSTRUMENTX(XSize,YSize),
- SetTrackListLocation(Window->TrackList,TRACKX(XSize,YSize),TRACKY(XSize,YSize),
- }
- void MainWindowDoMouseDown(OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers, MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if ((XLoc >= GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID) - 15)
- && (XLoc < GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID))
- && (YLoc >= GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID) - 15)
- && (YLoc < GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID)))
- {
- UserGrowWindow(Window->ScreenID,XLoc,YLoc);
- MainWindowJustResized(Window);
- }
- else if (TextEditHitTest(Window->CommentInfo,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- TextEditDoMouseDown(Window->CommentInfo,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (FunctionListHitTest(Window->FunctionList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->FunctionList);
- FunctionListDoMouseDown(Window->FunctionList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (SampleListHitTest(Window->SampleList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->SampleList);
- SampleListDoMouseDown(Window->SampleList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (AlgoSampListHitTest(Window->AlgoSampList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->AlgoSampList);
- AlgoSampListDoMouseDown(Window->AlgoSampList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (WaveTableListHitTest(Window->WaveTableList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->WaveTableList);
- WaveTableListDoMouseDown(Window->WaveTableList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (AlgoWaveTableListHitTest(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableListDoMouseDown(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (InstrListHitTest(Window->InstrumentList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->InstrumentList);
- InstrListDoMouseDown(Window->InstrumentList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- else if (TrackListHitTest(Window->TrackList,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(Window,Window->TrackList);
- TrackListDoMouseDown(Window->TrackList,XLoc,YLoc,Modifiers);
- }
- }
- void MainWindowDoKeyDown(unsigned char KeyCode, ModifierFlags Modifiers,
- MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- TextEditDoKeyPressed(Window->CommentInfo,KeyCode,Modifiers);
- }
- void MainWindowClose(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CloseDocument(Window);
- }
- void MainWindowUpdator(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- FunctionListRedraw(Window->FunctionList);
- SampleListRedraw(Window->SampleList);
- AlgoSampListRedraw(Window->AlgoSampList);
- WaveTableListRedraw(Window->WaveTableList);
- AlgoWaveTableListRedraw(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- InstrListRedraw(Window->InstrumentList);
- TrackListRedraw(Window->TrackList);
- TextEditFullRedraw(Window->CommentInfo);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize-15,YSize-15,
- GetGrowIcon(Window->MyGenericWindow == GetCurrentWindowID()));
- }
- /* enable global menu items. these are menu items that can be chosen regardless */
- /* of which editor is open (such as New Object, Save...) */
- void MainWindowMenuSetup(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- MainWindowEnableGlobalMenus(Window);
- EnableMenuItem(mPaste);
- if (TextEditIsThereValidSelection(Window->CommentInfo))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mCut);
- EnableMenuItem(mCopy);
- EnableMenuItem(mClear);
- }
- EnableMenuItem(mSelectAll);
- if (TextEditCanWeUndo(Window->CommentInfo))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mUndo);
- ChangeItemName(mUndo,"Undo Text Edit");
- }
- if (Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation != NIL)
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mUndo);
- ChangeItemName(mUndo,"Undo Object Deletion");
- }
- ChangeItemName(mCloseFile,"Close Document");
- EnableMenuItem(mCloseFile);
- EnableMenuItem(mPasteObject);
- EnableMenuItem(mCopyObject);
- EnableMenuItem(mOpenObject);
- EnableMenuItem(mDeleteObject);
- if (FunctionListIsThereSelection(Window->FunctionList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Function Module");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Function Module");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Function Module");
- }
- else if (SampleListIsThereSelection(Window->SampleList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Sample");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Sample");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Sample");
- }
- else if (AlgoSampListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoSampList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Algorithmic Sample");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Algorithmic Sample");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Algorithmic Sample");
- }
- else if (WaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->WaveTableList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Wave Table");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Wave Table");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Wave Table");
- }
- else if (AlgoWaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Algorithmic Wave Table");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Algorithmic Wave Table");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Algorithmic Wave Table");
- }
- else if (InstrListIsThereSelection(Window->InstrumentList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Instrument");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Instrument");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Instrument");
- }
- else if (TrackListIsThereSelection(Window->TrackList))
- {
- ChangeItemName(mOpenObject,"Edit Track");
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Track");
- ChangeItemName(mCopyObject,"Copy Track");
- }
- else
- {
- DisableMenuItem(mOpenObject);
- DisableMenuItem(mDeleteObject);
- DisableMenuItem(mCopyObject);
- }
- SetItemCheckmark(Window->MyMenuItem);
- }
- void MainWindowDoMenuCommand(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MenuItemType* MenuItem)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (MainWindowDoGlobalMenuItem(Window,MenuItem))
- {
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPaste)
- {
- TextEditDoMenuPaste(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCut)
- {
- TextEditDoMenuCut(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCopy)
- {
- TextEditDoMenuCopy(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mClear)
- {
- TextEditDoMenuClear(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mSelectAll)
- {
- TextEditDoMenuSelectAll(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mUndo)
- {
- /* object deletion undo takes precedence */
- if (Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation != NIL)
- {
- MyBoolean DidIt = True;
- SetWatchCursor();
- if (!FunctionListPasteFromFile(Window->FunctionList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!SampleListPasteFromFile(Window->SampleList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!AlgoSampListPasteFromFile(Window->AlgoSampList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!WaveTableListPasteFromFile(Window->WaveTableList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!AlgoWaveTableListPasteFromFile(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!InstrListPasteFromFile(Window->InstrumentList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- if (!TrackListPasteFromFile(Window->TrackList,
- Window->DeleteUndoFile))
- {
- /* couldn't do it, maybe out of memory */
- DidIt = False;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (DidIt)
- {
- CloseFile(Window->DeleteUndoFile);
- DeleteFile(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation = NIL;
- Window->DeleteUndoFile = NIL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- TextEditDoMenuUndo(Window->CommentInfo);
- }
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCloseFile)
- {
- CloseDocument(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mOpenObject)
- {
- if (FunctionListIsThereSelection(Window->FunctionList))
- {
- FunctionListOpenSelection(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- else if (SampleListIsThereSelection(Window->SampleList))
- {
- SampleListOpenSelection(Window->SampleList);
- }
- else if (AlgoSampListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoSampList))
- {
- AlgoSampListOpenSelection(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- else if (WaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->WaveTableList))
- {
- WaveTableListOpenSelection(Window->WaveTableList);
- }
- else if (AlgoWaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList))
- {
- AlgoWaveTableListOpenSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- else if (InstrListIsThereSelection(Window->InstrumentList))
- {
- InstrListOpenSelection(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- else if (TrackListIsThereSelection(Window->TrackList))
- {
- TrackListOpenSelection(Window->TrackList);
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,
- "MainWindowDoMenuCommand(mOpenObject): no known selection"));
- }
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mDeleteObject)
- {
- if (FunctionListIsThereSelection(Window->FunctionList))
- {
- FunctionListDeleteSelection(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- else if (SampleListIsThereSelection(Window->SampleList))
- {
- SampleListDeleteSelection(Window->SampleList);
- }
- else if (AlgoSampListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoSampList))
- {
- AlgoSampListDeleteSelection(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- else if (WaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->WaveTableList))
- {
- WaveTableListDeleteSelection(Window->WaveTableList);
- }
- else if (AlgoWaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList))
- {
- AlgoWaveTableListDeleteSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- else if (InstrListIsThereSelection(Window->InstrumentList))
- {
- InstrListDeleteSelection(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- else if (TrackListIsThereSelection(Window->TrackList))
- {
- TrackListDeleteSelection(Window->TrackList);
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,
- "MainWindowDoMenuCommand(mDeleteObject): no known selection"));
- }
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPasteObject)
- {
- if (!FunctionListPasteObject(Window->FunctionList))
- {
- if (!SampleListPasteObject(Window->SampleList))
- {
- if (!AlgoSampListPasteObject(Window->AlgoSampList))
- {
- if (!WaveTableListPasteObject(Window->WaveTableList))
- {
- if (!AlgoWaveTableListPasteObject(Window->AlgoWaveTableList))
- {
- if (!InstrListPasteObject(Window->InstrumentList))
- {
- if (!TrackListPasteObject(Window->TrackList))
- {
- /* oh well, it must not be an object */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCopyObject)
- {
- if (FunctionListIsThereSelection(Window->FunctionList))
- {
- FunctionListCopyObject(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- else if (SampleListIsThereSelection(Window->SampleList))
- {
- SampleListCopyObject(Window->SampleList);
- }
- else if (AlgoSampListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoSampList))
- {
- AlgoSampListCopyObject(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- else if (WaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->WaveTableList))
- {
- WaveTableListCopyObject(Window->WaveTableList);
- }
- else if (AlgoWaveTableListIsThereSelection(Window->AlgoWaveTableList))
- {
- AlgoWaveTableListCopyObject(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- else if (InstrListIsThereSelection(Window->InstrumentList))
- {
- InstrListCopyObject(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- else if (TrackListIsThereSelection(Window->TrackList))
- {
- TrackListCopyObject(Window->TrackList);
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,
- "MainWindowDoMenuCommand(mCopyObject): no known selection"));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"MainWindowDoMenuCommand: unknown menu command"));
- }
- }
- /* deselect any selection in a scrolling list other than the specified list. */
- /* specified list may be NIL for unconditional deselect */
- void MainWindowDeselectAllOtherStringLists(MainWindowRec* Window,
- void* TheDontDeselectStringList)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->FunctionList)
- {
- FunctionListDeselect(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->SampleList)
- {
- SampleListDeselect(Window->SampleList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->AlgoSampList)
- {
- AlgoSampListDeselect(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->WaveTableList)
- {
- WaveTableListDeselect(Window->WaveTableList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->AlgoWaveTableList)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableListDeselect(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->InstrumentList)
- {
- InstrListDeselect(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- if (TheDontDeselectStringList != Window->TrackList)
- {
- TrackListDeselect(Window->TrackList);
- }
- }
- /* create a new calculator window. the main window keeps track of all calculator */
- /* objects that it has created */
- void MainWindowNewCalculator(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CalcWindowRec* Calc;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- Calc = NewCalculatorWindow(Window,Window->CodeCenter);
- if (Calc == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to "
- "open a calculator window.",NIL);
- return;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(Window->ListOfCalcWindows,Calc))
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeCalculatorWindow(Calc);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- }
- /* when a calculator window closes, it calls this to make sure the main window */
- /* object knows that it no longer exists */
- void MainWindowCalculatorClosingNotify(MainWindowRec* Window,
- CalcWindowRec* Calc)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- ERROR(ArrayFindElement(Window->ListOfCalcWindows,Calc) < 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "MainWindowCalculatorClosingNotify: unknown calculator window"));
- ArrayDeleteElement(Window->ListOfCalcWindows,
- ArrayFindElement(Window->ListOfCalcWindows,Calc));
- }
- /* notify the main window that a new disassembly window has been created. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowNewDisassemblyNotify(MainWindowRec* Window,
- struct DisaWindowRec* DisassemblyWindow)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(Window->ListOfDisassemblies,DisassemblyWindow))
- {
- return False;
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* notify the main window that a disassembly window has been destroyed. */
- void MainWindowDisassemblyClosingNotify(MainWindowRec* Window,
- struct DisaWindowRec* DisassemblyWindow)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- ERROR(ArrayFindElement(Window->ListOfDisassemblies,DisassemblyWindow) < 0,
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"MainWindowDisassemblyClosingNotify: unknown disassembly"));
- ArrayDeleteElement(Window->ListOfDisassemblies,
- ArrayFindElement(Window->ListOfDisassemblies,DisassemblyWindow));
- }
- /* get the number of spaces per tab that editors should use */
- long MainWindowGetTabSize(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->TabSize;
- }
- /* build any function objects that need to be built. returns True if all of them */
- /* were built without a problem. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowMakeUpToDateFunctions(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return FunctionListMakeUpToDate(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- /* build any algorithmic samples that need to be built. returns True if all of them */
- /* were built without a problem. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowMakeUpToDateAlgoSamps(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return AlgoSampListMakeUpToDate(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- /* build any algorithmic wave tables that need to be built. returns True if all of */
- /* them were built without a problem. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowMakeUpToDateAlgoWaveTables(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return AlgoWaveTableListMakeUpToDate(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- /* build any instrument specifications that need to be built. returns True if all of */
- /* them were built without a problem. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowMakeUpToDateInstrList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return InstrListMakeUpToDate(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- /* build everything. returns True if everything built correctly */
- MyBoolean MainWindowMakeEverythingUpToDate(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- MyBoolean ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- ReturnValue = False;
- SetWatchCursor();
- if (MainWindowMakeUpToDateFunctions(Window))
- {
- if (MainWindowMakeUpToDateAlgoSamps(Window))
- {
- if (MainWindowMakeUpToDateAlgoWaveTables(Window))
- {
- if (MainWindowMakeUpToDateInstrList(Window))
- {
- ReturnValue = True;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- void MainWindowEnableGlobalMenus(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- char* StrNumber;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- EnableMenuItem(mSaveAs);
- if (HasDocumentBeenModified(Window) || !Window->EverBeenSaved)
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mSaveFile);
- }
- EnableMenuItem(mNewFunction);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewSample);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewAlgoSample);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewWaveTable);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewAlgoWaveTable);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewInstrument);
- EnableMenuItem(mNewTrack);
- EnableMenuItem(mUnbuildAllFunctions);
- EnableMenuItem(mBuildEntireProject);
- EnableMenuItem(mCalculator);
- EnableMenuItem(mSetTabSize);
- EnableMenuItem(mPlay);
- StrNumber = IntegerToString(Window->TabSize);
- if (StrNumber != NIL)
- {
- char* StrKey;
- StrKey = StringToBlockCopy("_");
- if (StrKey != NIL)
- {
- char* StrValue;
- StrValue = StringToBlockCopy("Set Tab Size... (_)");
- if (StrValue != NIL)
- {
- char* StrResult;
- StrResult = ReplaceBlockCopy(StrValue,StrKey,StrNumber);
- if (StrResult != NIL)
- {
- char* Temp;
- Temp = BlockToStringCopy(StrResult);
- if (Temp != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr(StrResult);
- StrResult = Temp;
- ChangeItemName(mSetTabSize,StrResult);
- }
- ReleasePtr(StrResult);
- }
- ReleasePtr(StrValue);
- }
- ReleasePtr(StrKey);
- }
- ReleasePtr(StrNumber);
- }
- EnableMenuItem(mImportWAVFormat);
- EnableMenuItem(mImportRAWFormat);
- EnableMenuItem(mImportAIFFFormat);
- WindowMenuEnableItems();
- }
- /* this checks to see if the menu item is a global menu item. if it is, the */
- /* associated action is performed and it returns True. if not, then it returns */
- /* False and the specific editor window must handle the menu item. */
- MyBoolean MainWindowDoGlobalMenuItem(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MenuItemType* MenuItem)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (MenuItem == mSaveAs)
- {
- SaveDocumentAs(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mSaveFile)
- {
- SaveDocument(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewFunction)
- {
- FunctionListNewModule(Window->FunctionList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewSample)
- {
- SampleListNewSample(Window->SampleList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewAlgoSample)
- {
- AlgoSampListNewAlgoSamp(Window->AlgoSampList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewWaveTable)
- {
- WaveTableListNewWaveTable(Window->WaveTableList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewAlgoWaveTable)
- {
- AlgoWaveTableListNewAlgoWaveTable(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewInstrument)
- {
- InstrListNewInstr(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mNewTrack)
- {
- TrackListNewTrack(Window->TrackList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mUnbuildAllFunctions)
- {
- FunctionListUnbuildAll(Window->FunctionList);
- AlgoSampListUnbuildAll(Window->AlgoSampList);
- AlgoWaveTableListUnbuildAll(Window->AlgoWaveTableList);
- InstrListUnbuildAll(Window->InstrumentList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mBuildEntireProject)
- {
- MainWindowMakeEverythingUpToDate(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCalculator)
- {
- MainWindowNewCalculator(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mSetTabSize)
- {
- Window->TabSize = DoNumberDialog("Enter new tab size:",Window->TabSize,mCut,
- mPaste,mCopy,mUndo,mSelectAll,mClear);
- if (Window->TabSize < MINTABCOUNT)
- {
- Window->TabSize = MINTABCOUNT;
- }
- if (Window->TabSize > MAXTABCOUNT)
- {
- Window->TabSize = MAXTABCOUNT;
- }
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- /* we should probably have a dispatch that changes the tab size in */
- /* all objects */
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPlay)
- {
- DoPlayPrefsDialog(Window,Window->TrackList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mImportWAVFormat)
- {
- ImportWAVSample(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mImportRAWFormat)
- {
- ImportRAWSample(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mImportAIFFFormat)
- {
- ImportAIFFSample(Window);
- }
- else if (DispatchWindowMenuItem(MenuItem))
- {
- /* no action, but fall through and return True */
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- return True;
- }
- /* get a copy of the left-channel array from a stereo sample. an error is returned */
- /* indicating the success or failure of this call. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing both the returned array (*DataOut) and the name string */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetSampleLeftCopy(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, largefixedsigned** DataOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = SampleListGetSampleLeftFixed(((MainWindowRec*)Window)->SampleList,
- NameCopy,DataOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a copy of the right-channel array from a stereo sample. an error is returned */
- /* indicating the success or failure of this call. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing both the returned array (*DataOut) and the name string */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetSampleRightCopy(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, largefixedsigned** DataOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = SampleListGetSampleRightFixed(((MainWindowRec*)Window)->SampleList,
- NameCopy,DataOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a copy of the sample array from a mono sample. an error is returned */
- /* indicating the success or failure of this call. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing both the returned array (*DataOut) and the name string */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetSampleMonoCopy(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, largefixedsigned** DataOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = SampleListGetSampleMonoFixed(((MainWindowRec*)Window)->SampleList,
- NameCopy,DataOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get the number of frames per wave period for the specified wave table. an error */
- /* code is returned indicating success or failure. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing of the name string. */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetWaveTableFrameCount(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, long* FrameCountOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = WaveTableListGetWaveTableFrameCount(
- ((MainWindowRec*)Window)->WaveTableList,NameCopy,FrameCountOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get the number of tables in the specified wave table. an error */
- /* code is returned indicating success or failure. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing of the name string. */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetWaveTableTableCount(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, long* TableCountOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = WaveTableListGetWaveTableTableCount(
- ((MainWindowRec*)Window)->WaveTableList,NameCopy,TableCountOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* get a copy of the sample array from a wave table. an error is returned */
- /* indicating the success or failure of this call. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing both the returned array (*DataOut) and the name string */
- SampleErrors MainWindowGetWaveTableArray(void* Window,
- char* NullTerminatedName, largefixedsigned** DataOut)
- {
- char* NameCopy;
- SampleErrors ReturnValue;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- NameCopy = StringToBlockCopy(NullTerminatedName);
- if (NameCopy == NIL)
- {
- return eEvalSampleNotEnoughMemoryToCopy;
- }
- ReturnValue = WaveTableListGetWaveTableArray(
- ((MainWindowRec*)Window)->WaveTableList,NameCopy,DataOut);
- ReleasePtr(NameCopy);
- return ReturnValue;
- }
- /* open a new sample editor initialized with the parameters and install the data */
- /* in the array RawData into it. this array is NOT largefixedsigned, but rather is */
- /* signed char or signed short, depending on the setting of NumBits. the caller */
- /* is responsible for disposing of RawData. */
- struct SampleObjectRec* MainWindowCopyRawSampleAndOpen(MainWindowRec* Window,
- char* RawData, NumBitsType NumBits, NumChannelsType NumChannels,
- long Origin, long LoopStart1, long LoopStart2, long LoopStart3,
- long LoopEnd1, long LoopEnd2, long LoopEnd3, long SamplingRate,
- double NaturalFrequency)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (RawData != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(RawData);
- return SampleListCopyRawSampleAndOpen(Window->SampleList,RawData,NumBits,
- NumChannels,Origin,LoopStart1,LoopStart2,LoopStart3,LoopEnd1,LoopEnd2,
- LoopEnd3,SamplingRate,NaturalFrequency);
- }
- else
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* open a new wave table editor initialized with the parameters and install the data */
- /* in the array RawData into it. this array is not largefixedsigned, but rather is */
- /* signed char or signed short, depending on the setting of NumBits. the caller */
- /* is responsible for disposing of RawData. */
- struct WaveTableObjectRec* MainWindowCopyRawWaveTableAndOpen(MainWindowRec* Window,
- char* RawData, NumBitsType NumBits, long NumTables,
- long FramesPerTable)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (RawData != NIL)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(RawData);
- return WaveTableListCopyRawWaveTableAndOpen(Window->WaveTableList,RawData,
- NumBits,NumTables,FramesPerTable);
- }
- else
- {
- return NIL;
- }
- }
- /* get a copy of the name of the current document file. the name is a heap-allocated */
- /* non-null-terminated block. */
- char* GetCopyOfDocumentName(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- char* Filename;
- if (Window->EverBeenSaved)
- {
- Filename = ExtractFileName(Window->TheFileLocation);
- }
- else
- {
- Filename = StringToBlockCopy("Untitled");
- }
- if (Filename != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(Filename,"GetCopyOfDocumentName");
- }
- return Filename;
- }
- /* dispatch a name change event. this tells all editors that the document title */
- /* has changed, and the window titles should be updated accordingly. */
- void MainWindowDispatchNameChange(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- char* Filename;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- Filename = GetCopyOfDocumentName(Window);
- if (Filename != NIL)
- {
- char* FilenameNullTerminated;
- SampleListGlobalNameChange(Window->SampleList,Filename);
- FunctionListGlobalNameChange(Window->FunctionList,Filename);
- AlgoSampListGlobalNameChange(Window->AlgoSampList,Filename);
- WaveTableListGlobalNameChange(Window->WaveTableList,Filename);
- AlgoWaveTableListGlobalNameChange(Window->AlgoWaveTableList,Filename);
- InstrListGlobalNameChange(Window->InstrumentList,Filename);
- TrackListGlobalNameChange(Window->TrackList,Filename);
- FilenameNullTerminated = BlockToStringCopy(Filename);
- if (FilenameNullTerminated != NIL)
- {
- SetWindowName(Window->ScreenID,FilenameNullTerminated);
- ChangeItemName(Window->MyMenuItem,FilenameNullTerminated);
- ReleasePtr(FilenameNullTerminated);
- }
- ReleasePtr(Filename);
- }
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetStereo(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->StereoPlayback;
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetSurround(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->SurroundEncoding;
- }
- long MainWindowGetSamplingRate(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->SamplingRate;
- }
- long MainWindowGetEnvelopeRate(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate;
- }
- double MainWindowGetBeatsPerMinute(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return LargeBCD2Double(Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute);
- }
- double MainWindowGetVolumeScaling(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return LargeBCD2Double(Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor);
- }
- OutputNumBitsType MainWindowGetOutputNumBits(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->OutputNumBits;
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetInterpolationOverTime(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->InterpolateOverTime;
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetInterpolationAcrossWaves(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves;
- }
- double MainWindowGetScanningGap(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return LargeBCD2Double(Window->ScanningGap);
- }
- double MainWindowGetBufferDuration(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return LargeBCD2Double(Window->BufferDuration);
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetClipWarning(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->ClipWarning;
- }
- char* MainWindowGetPostProcessing(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- char* StringTemp;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- StringTemp = CopyPtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- if (StringTemp != NIL)
- {
- SetTag(StringTemp,"SongPostProcessing");
- }
- return StringTemp;
- }
- MyBoolean MainWindowGetPostProcessingEnable(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->SongPostProcessingEnable;
- }
- void PutMainWindowStereo(MainWindowRec* Window, MyBoolean NewStereoFlag)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (Window->StereoPlayback != NewStereoFlag)
- {
- Window->StereoPlayback = NewStereoFlag;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowSurround(MainWindowRec* Window, MyBoolean NewSurround)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (Window->SurroundEncoding != NewSurround)
- {
- Window->SurroundEncoding = NewSurround;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowSamplingRate(MainWindowRec* Window,
- long NewSamplingRate)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (NewSamplingRate < MINSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- NewSamplingRate = MINSAMPLINGRATE;
- }
- if (NewSamplingRate > MAXSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- NewSamplingRate = MAXSAMPLINGRATE;
- }
- if (Window->SamplingRate != NewSamplingRate)
- {
- Window->SamplingRate = NewSamplingRate;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowEnvelopeRate(MainWindowRec* Window,
- long NewEnvelopeRate)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (NewEnvelopeRate < 1)
- {
- NewEnvelopeRate = 1;
- }
- if (NewEnvelopeRate > MAXSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- NewEnvelopeRate = MAXSAMPLINGRATE;
- }
- if (Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate != NewEnvelopeRate)
- {
- Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate = NewEnvelopeRate;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowBeatsPerMinute(MainWindowRec* Window,
- double NewBeatsPerMinute)
- {
- LargeBCDType BPM;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- BPM = Double2LargeBCD(NewBeatsPerMinute);
- if (Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute != BPM)
- {
- Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute = BPM;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowVolumeScaling(MainWindowRec* Window,
- double NewVolumeScaling)
- {
- LargeBCDType Vol;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- Vol = Double2LargeBCD(NewVolumeScaling);
- if (Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor != Vol)
- {
- Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor = Vol;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowOutputNumBits(MainWindowRec* Window,
- OutputNumBitsType NewOutputNumBits)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- ERROR((NewOutputNumBits != eOutput8Bits) && (NewOutputNumBits != eOutput16Bits)
- && (NewOutputNumBits != eOutput24Bits) && (NewOutputNumBits != eOutput32Bits),
- PRERR(ForceAbort,"PutMainWindowOutputNumBits: bad value"));
- if (Window->OutputNumBits != NewOutputNumBits)
- {
- Window->OutputNumBits = NewOutputNumBits;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowInterpolationOverTime(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean NewInterpOverTime)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (Window->InterpolateOverTime != NewInterpOverTime)
- {
- Window->InterpolateOverTime = NewInterpOverTime;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowInterpolationAcrossWaves(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean NewInterpAcrossWaves)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves != NewInterpAcrossWaves)
- {
- Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves = NewInterpAcrossWaves;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowScanningGap(MainWindowRec* Window, double NewScanningGap)
- {
- LargeBCDType Gap;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- Gap = Double2LargeBCD(NewScanningGap);
- if (Gap != Window->ScanningGap)
- {
- Window->ScanningGap = Gap;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowBufferDuration(MainWindowRec* Window,
- double NewBufferDuration)
- {
- LargeBCDType Buffering;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- Buffering = Double2LargeBCD(NewBufferDuration);
- if (Buffering != Window->BufferDuration)
- {
- Window->BufferDuration = Buffering;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowClipWarning(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean NewClipWarning)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (NewClipWarning != Window->ClipWarning)
- {
- Window->ClipWarning = NewClipWarning;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- void PutMainWindowPostProcessing(MainWindowRec* Window,
- char* NewPostProcessing)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CheckPtrExistence(NewPostProcessing);
- ReleasePtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- Window->SongPostProcessing = NewPostProcessing;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- void PutMainWindowPostProcessingEnable(MainWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean NewPostProcessingEnable)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (Window->SongPostProcessingEnable != NewPostProcessingEnable)
- {
- Window->SongPostProcessingEnable = NewPostProcessingEnable;
- Window->StuffModified = True;
- }
- }
- /* General Information Subblock Structure: */
- /* 4-byte file format version code */
- /* "Syn1" - first file format */
- /* 1-byte unsigned tab size code */
- /* should be in the range of 1..255 */
- /* 4-byte little endian comment text length (positive 2s complement, in bytes) */
- /* n-byte character data for comment text (line feed = 0x0a) */
- /* 1-byte stereo playback flag */
- /* 0 = mono */
- /* 1 = stereo */
- /* 1-byte surround encoding flag */
- /* 0 = no surround encoding */
- /* 1 = generic surround encoding */
- /* 4-byte little endian output sampling rate */
- /* should be in the range of 100..65535 */
- /* 4-byte little endian envelope update rate */
- /* should be in the range of 1..65535 */
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal beats per minute */
- /* large integer coded decimal is decimal * 1000000 with a */
- /* range of -1999.999999 to 1999.999999 */
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal total volume scaling factor */
- /* 1-byte number of bits to output */
- /* should be 8, 16, 24, or 32 */
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation over time */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate over time */
- /* 1 = do interpolate over time (when resampling waveforms) */
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation across waves */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate across waves */
- /* 1 = do interpolate across waves (when wave table synthesis index is */
- /* not an integer) */
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal scanning gap */
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal buffer duration (in seconds) */
- /* 1-byte flag for clipping warning */
- /* 0 = don't warn about clipped samples */
- /* 1 = do warn about clipped samples */
- /* 1-byte flag for song post processing enabling */
- /* 0 = don't do song postprocessing */
- /* 1 = do song postprocessing */
- /* 4-byte little endian length of song post processing function */
- /* n-bytes of post processing function text (line fed = 0x0a) */
- /* read the general information subblock from the specified file. */
- FileLoadingErrors MainWindowReadData(MainWindowRec* Window,
- struct BufferedInputRec* Input)
- {
- char FileFormatVersion[4];
- signed long BlockLength;
- char* StringTemp;
- unsigned char BuffChar;
- signed long SignedLong;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CheckPtrExistence(Input);
- /* 4-byte file format version code */
- /* "Syn1" - first file format */
- if (!ReadBufferedInput(Input,4,FileFormatVersion))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (!MemEqu(FileFormatVersion,"Syn1",4))
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 1-byte unsigned tab size code */
- /* should be in the range of 1..255 */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar < MINTABCOUNT)
- {
- }
- if (BuffChar > MAXTABCOUNT)
- {
- }
- Window->TabSize = BuffChar;
- /* 4-byte little endian comment text length (in bytes) */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&BlockLength))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BlockLength < 0)
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- StringTemp = AllocPtrCanFail(BlockLength,"MainWindowReadData: comment string temp");
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- /* n-byte character data for comment text (line feed = 0x0a) */
- if (!ReadBufferedInput(Input,BlockLength,StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (!TextEditNewRawData(Window->CommentInfo,StringTemp,"\x0a"))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- TextEditHasBeenSaved(Window->CommentInfo);
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- /* 1-byte stereo playback flag */
- /* 0 = mono */
- /* 1 = stereo */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->StereoPlayback = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->StereoPlayback = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 1-byte surround encoding flag */
- /* 0 = no surround encoding */
- /* 1 = dolby surround encoding */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->SurroundEncoding = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->SurroundEncoding = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian output sampling rate */
- /* should be in the range of 100..65535 */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (SignedLong < MINSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- }
- if (SignedLong > MAXSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- }
- Window->SamplingRate = SignedLong;
- /* 4-byte little endian envelope update rate */
- /* should be in the range of 1..65535 */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (SignedLong < 1)
- {
- SignedLong = 1;
- }
- if (SignedLong > MAXSAMPLINGRATE)
- {
- }
- Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate = SignedLong;
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal beats per minute */
- /* large integer coded decimal is decimal * 1000000 with a */
- /* range of -1999.999999 to 1999.999999 */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute = SignedLong;
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded total volume scaling factor */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor = SignedLong;
- /* 1-byte number of bits to output */
- /* should be 8, 16, 24, or 32 */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 8)
- {
- Window->OutputNumBits = eOutput8Bits;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 16)
- {
- Window->OutputNumBits = eOutput16Bits;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 24)
- {
- Window->OutputNumBits = eOutput24Bits;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 32)
- {
- Window->OutputNumBits = eOutput32Bits;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation over time */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate over time */
- /* 1 = do interpolate over time (when resampling waveforms) */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->InterpolateOverTime = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->InterpolateOverTime = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation across waves */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate across waves */
- /* 1 = do interpolate across waves (when wave table synthesis index is */
- /* not an integer) */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal scanning gap */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- Window->ScanningGap = SignedLong;
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal buffer duration (in seconds) */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- Window->BufferDuration = SignedLong;
- /* 1-byte flag for clipping warning */
- /* 0 = don't warn about clipped samples */
- /* 1 = do warn about clipped samples */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->ClipWarning = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->ClipWarning = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for song post processing enabling */
- /* 0 = don't do song postprocessing */
- /* 1 = do song postprocessing */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&BuffChar))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (BuffChar == 0)
- {
- Window->SongPostProcessingEnable = False;
- }
- else if (BuffChar == 1)
- {
- Window->SongPostProcessingEnable = True;
- }
- else
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian length of song post processing function */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SignedLong))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (SignedLong < 0)
- {
- return eFileLoadBadFormat;
- }
- /* n-bytes of post processing function text (line fed = 0x0a) */
- StringTemp = AllocPtrCanFail(SignedLong,"SongPostProcessing");
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedInput(Input,SignedLong,StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- ReleasePtr(Window->SongPostProcessing);
- Window->SongPostProcessing = StringTemp;
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- /* write the general information subblock to the specified file. */
- FileLoadingErrors MainWindowWriteData(MainWindowRec* Window,
- struct BufferedOutputRec* Output)
- {
- char* StringTemp;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CheckPtrExistence(Output);
- /* 4-byte file format version code */
- /* "Syn1" - first file format */
- if (!WriteBufferedOutput(Output,4,"Syn1"))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 1-byte unsigned tab size code */
- /* should be in the range of 1..255 */
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,Window->TabSize))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian comment text length (in bytes) */
- StringTemp = TextEditGetRawData(Window->CommentInfo,"\x0a");
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp)))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* n-byte character data for comment text (line feed = 0x0a) */
- if (!WriteBufferedOutput(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp),StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- /* 1-byte stereo playback flag */
- /* 0 = mono */
- /* 1 = stereo */
- if (Window->StereoPlayback)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 1-byte surround encoding flag */
- /* 0 = no surround encoding */
- /* 1 = dolby surround encoding */
- if (Window->SurroundEncoding)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian output sampling rate */
- /* should be in the range of 100..65535 */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->SamplingRate))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian envelope update rate */
- /* should be in the range of 1..65535 */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->EnvelopeUpdateRate))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal beats per minute */
- /* large integer coded decimal is decimal * 1000000 with a */
- /* range of -1999.999999 to 1999.999999 */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->DefaultBeatsPerMinute))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded total volume scaling factor */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->OverallVolumeScalingFactor))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 1-byte number of bits to output */
- /* should be 8, 16, 24, or 32 */
- switch (Window->OutputNumBits)
- {
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"MainWindowWriteData: bad value in Window->OutputNumBits"));
- break;
- case eOutput8Bits:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,8))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- case eOutput16Bits:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,16))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- case eOutput24Bits:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,24))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- case eOutput32Bits:
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,32))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation over time */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate over time */
- /* 1 = do interpolate over time (when resampling waveforms) */
- if (Window->InterpolateOverTime)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for interpolation across waves */
- /* 0 = don't interpolate across waves */
- /* 1 = do interpolate across waves (when wave table synthesis index is */
- /* not an integer) */
- if (Window->InterpolateAcrossWaves)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal scanning gap */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->ScanningGap))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian large integer coded decimal buffer duration (in seconds) */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,Window->BufferDuration))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for clipping warning */
- /* 0 = don't warn about clipped samples */
- /* 1 = do warn about clipped samples */
- if (Window->ClipWarning)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 1-byte flag for song post processing enabling */
- /* 0 = don't do song postprocessing */
- /* 1 = do song postprocessing */
- if (Window->SongPostProcessingEnable)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,0))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian length of song post processing function */
- StringTemp = MainWindowGetPostProcessing(Window);
- if (StringTemp == NIL)
- {
- return eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp)))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* n-bytes of post processing function text (line fed = 0x0a) */
- if (!WriteBufferedOutput(Output,PtrSize(StringTemp),StringTemp))
- {
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- ReleasePtr(StringTemp);
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- /* get the sample list object for the specified document. the actual thing */
- /* is returned */
- struct SampleListRec* MainWindowGetSampleList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->SampleList;
- }
- /* get the algorithmic sample list object for the specified document. the actual */
- /* thing is returned. */
- struct AlgoSampListRec* MainWindowGetAlgoSampList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->AlgoSampList;
- }
- /* get the wave table list object for the specified document. the actual thing */
- /* is returned */
- struct WaveTableListRec* MainWindowGetWaveTableList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->WaveTableList;
- }
- /* get the algorithmic wave table list object for the specified document. the */
- /* actual thing is returned */
- struct AlgoWaveTableListRec* MainWindowGetAlgoWaveTableList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->AlgoWaveTableList;
- }
- /* get the instrument list object for the specified document. the actual thing */
- /* is returned */
- struct InstrListRec* MainWindowGetInstrList(MainWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- return Window->InstrumentList;
- }
- /* this updates the object deletion undo information */
- void MainWindowNewDeleteUndoInfo(MainWindowRec* Window,
- struct FileSpec* Location, struct FileType* File)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CheckPtrExistence(Location);
- CheckPtrExistence(File);
- if (Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation != NIL)
- {
- CloseFile(Window->DeleteUndoFile);
- DeleteFile(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- DisposeFileSpec(Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation);
- }
- Window->DeleteUndoFileLocation = Location;
- Window->DeleteUndoFile = File;
- }